After the GO, the next step of FEP was AO, or Academic Orientation. AO is a simulation of a university life, so I can adjust for university study and life. It was started from 7th September until 18th September, although the schedule didn’t tell me to go to the campus every day. On the first day, it was started with an introduction to algorithm session, brought by Mr. Derwin Suhartono, CCC of Intelligence System. In this session, Mr. Derwin introduce the class to algorithm, how to use it, and how will algorithm help us while coding. After that, the lab assistant teaches us about C language, a programming language that we will used mostly while studying computer sciences. On the second day, Ms. Evawaty Tanuar, Deputy Head of School of Computer Science. She taught the class about presentation, writing, reading, and mind mapping skills. On this session, we should research a topic, and present it in front of the class. It utilizing what Ms. Evawaty had taught us, which was very useful. On 10th September, I had another algorithm class. This time, I learned about pseudocode. It was taught by Ms. Zulvany. Here, I leaned about the If function, loop (do while / for), and many more. I also give it a try on the computer, so I can understand better and know how to apply it. On 12th September, I attend the HIMTI organized event, which was HTTP. I wrote this event on another post. The AO starts back at 14th September, with an algorithm class again. This time, I learned about C language deeper. I also get a chance to practice it in the lab also. Firstly, I thought that coding will be hard and not understandable, but, I was wrong. It was fun and interesting. The next day, it was a theory class about IT, where I learned about what is IT, the history about it, and terms common in IT. Then, on the next day, I have a curriculum class, which was very interesting. From there I can know a lot of things that might happened in the next 4 years. And there was another introduction again from HIMTI, and explaining about their programmes and activities that already been held or will be held. Then, there were an Academic Advisory session, where Mr. Rhio and Ms. Rini give me details about the AA and its function. The next day, there was a quiz for us, to test what I had learned. The test wasn’t really hard, but I didn’t manage my time well, so, I think that I screw up my test. Then, there were a support centre session. We were explained everything that could help and support our learning and achieving our dreams and future.