Organizational skill is one of the important skills that we need in real life, after graduated from university. This skills cannot be instantly come to us, but it should be trained, so it can grow inside us and give us advantage while applying for a job.
Organizational skill consists of time management, planning, and even, organizing itself. This skills can be easily trained or developed by joining an organization or become one of the officials when there are an event.
The easiest way for doing this, is to join an organization, like HMJ or UKM. HMJ, short for Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan, is an organization that contains students from one faculty or school, for example, HIMTI, contain peoples from School of Computer Science. In the other hand, UKM, short for Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa, is an organization that contains students that have an interest or hobby about something. It doesn’t limited from any faculty, so everyone can join them.
By joining organization, we can get a lot of things, like friends, experience, life skills, and many more, we also can improve ourselves easily.